We take your business to the world with in 15 mins.
You can register and create your shops to the digital world
Define your offering services
Define slots of your own choice.
Manage the slots
Manage your shops on one touch.
Publish Offers !
Push seasonal offers for your customers.
We take your business to the world in 15 mins.
You Can Register and Create your shop to digital world.
Define your Services Offered
Define slots of your choice.
Manage Slots
Manage your shop on one touch.
Publish Offers !
Push Seasonal offers for your customers.
You are all-in-one solution for your services
Sign up
Create your pys account.
Prefer Services
Choose your nearby service providers.
Pick your Slot
Pick your convenient slot.
Relish your services !
Avail services hassle free.
Your all-in-one solution for your services
Sign up
Create your pys account.
Prefer Services
Choose your nearby service providers.
Pick your Slot
Pick your convenient slot.
Relish your Service
Avail services hassle free.
We make it simple and fast booking - anytime and everywhere.
Appointment Scheduling
Offer Management
Shop Management
Report & Analytics
Pay As You Go
Franchise Model
What we offer
We do bring all services and service providers to a
single platform thereby taking your business to the
global customers
A complete
solution to manage and grow your business. Our
powerful suite of tools helps to increase sales,
manage your schedules and engage with your clients
We have all the features to reduce less time
on paperwork and focus on your business goals.
What we offer
We bring multiple service providers to one platform
and thereby providing multiple options to customers
for availing the service.
You are
all-in-one complete solution for your services.
No more queues and we offer an instant
booking on time. We provide the easiest way to manage
bookings for your services, and Pay per session.
We make efficient and fast booking - anytime
and everywhere
Download PYS Today
Get in touch.